Peter Stuifzand

Hundred Year App

In the video Build the Hundred-Year Web Service with htmx Alexander Petros talks about how to build a hundred-year web service. He talks about how when you want build, use and maintain a web app in a hundred, you should not have to ask permission to deploy your app.

I saw this video a few weeks after my apps were removed from Google Play Store. I had not made the changes to the app that were necessary to keep them on the Play Store.

The problem is not that this happened. I have not given much attention to these apps. The problem is that these apps or this platform is not the hundered-year app platform. When the platform changes beneath your app, it becomes more and more work to keep your apps up-to-date.

Compare this with a small program that I wrote and compiled more then 10 years ago, It is a Go program, that uses a DLL for ZeroMQ on Windows. It was created when Windows 7 was the default. I copied it to another computer and without re-compiling, it runs without any problems.

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